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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

You Can Now use your N100/month airtel unlimited whatsapp package on your BBM For Andriod

10:15 pm By Unknown No comments

Hello BBM for android users,i suppose you are enjoying your BBM on your Android devices by now.In case your are yet to,please join the train by downloading the BBM instant messaging app to your compatible android now. Sometime ago,airtel Nigeria introduced the airtel Unlimited Whatsapp access at N100 Monthly access Fee and its been so cool for those using that simple plan from airtel Without wasting much time,am gonna show you how you can use your airtel monthly whatsapp subscription on both your whatsapp messenger and the BBM messenger. This is all you have to do :- Subscribe for airtel data whatsapp unlimited one month plan     Note:- Your BBM messenger won't work instantly after subscribing to the airtel whatsapp plan :- Then proceed to turn off your data on your device.  :- Then go to your BBM messenger and send someone a text. Note:- Once you send the text it would hang!!! :- Lastly, go back and switch on your data then your hanged BBM message  would go on for delivery. Now you can enjoy the BBM messenger and the Whatsapp messenger with just #100 per month with your airtel line. Do not know how to subscribe to airtel whatsapp unlimited? check out this  Unlimited Whatsapp access at N100 Monthly access Fee.


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